Jump Ball ボール大好き!

I like balls. I mean I really like them.

So the other day, I found this ball. It is a cool ball. It is so bouncy, I can’t believe it. Anyway, today, I took it over to my friend Alt’s house.

Alt’s my best bud. He’s quite a bit older than me, but we enjoy hanging out.

With this ball… It was so cool. Dad kept throwing it and I kept chasing it. Alt would chase it too, but where I am like greased lightning, he is more like an old man riding a bicycle uphill. I got him beat 9 ways from Sunday. I would get that ball almost every time.

A couple of times, I dropped it though and Alt got it. He would NOT give it back to me. He just kept chewing and chewing. I waited patiently, but when I saw my chance, I dove in and was able to grab it. Man, I could chase that thing all day. I could chew on it all night.

I love that ball. It is fun hanging out with Alt too.




パパが僕とアルトにそのボールを投げてくれた。先にボールに追いつくのは僕。でも時々、口から落としてしまうこともあって、そんな時、アルトが横からさっととるんだ。いったんボールをとると、アルトはずっとボールをなめなめしてる。なめ心地がいいからその気持ちは分かるけど、僕はもっとボール投げしてもらいたいんだ。僕の大好きなボール、返して! でも、大先輩アルトの邪魔するわけにいかないから、僕は我慢強く待ってる。アルトが一瞬ボールをはなしたすきにさっと取り返した。やった!! パパはまた投げてくれる。僕は一日中でもボールを追いかけて走り回りたいんだ。ボール大好き!