The Color Purple 今年はパープル!

For the last year, I have been wearing a green collar. The year before that, I wore red. The year before that, it was blue. I think you can see the pattern now. Every year, I change the collar colors. For year 3, my color is purple. When Mom and Dad changed my collar, they made out like it was the Olympics or something. There was a whole ceremony to it. They retired my old collar and bestowed upon me my new one.

There are a lot of happy memories in that old green collar. I look forward to the ones I will make in my new purple one.


From January 2019.  2019年は緑だった。

From January 2019.  


RIP old friend.一年間ご苦労様。

RIP old friend.


If this does not look florescent green to you, you might have to adjust the color display on your monitor.きれいな緑だったんだよ。。

If this does not look florescent green to you, you might have to adjust the color display on your monitor.


2020 Purple! 2020年はパープル!!

2020 Purple!


Here it comes! カラー授与式。ジャジャジャーン

Here it comes!


Slight adjustment required… ちょっと調整して、、

Slight adjustment required…


From the front. 前から

From the front.


From the back. 後ろから。カッコいいでしょ!

From the back.
