I am black lab. That means I am a water dog. I love the water! You put me near a river, a lake, a stream, even an irrigation ditch, I am happy to jump in and swim around. I don’t even care if it is deep water. I can swim like a shark, just cutting a swath through the water. Once, I even got my whole head underwater just so I could retrieve a ball.
That said, there is water, and then there is water. I hate showers. They are the worst. It’s like I am being punished because I went out and had fun running in the mud, rolling on stinky grass, or even just swimming. If I had to choose, I would say, I like it better when Mom gives me a shower. She runs the water, takes out a sponge and starts wiping me down all while singing, “Koro is clean boy, clean, clean, clean.” And repeat.
Dad’s showers lack the same gentility of Mom’s. He basically just sprays me down with the hose for a shower lite. When he uses the sponge, it is a little better, but he doesn’t sing.
After a shower, things get a bit better. I get a nice rub down with a bath towel, and then if I am really lucky, I get to dry off by the fire. Oh, and then there is dinner. Don’t get me started talking about food though. That just makes me hungry!
僕は水が大好き。泳ぐの得意! 川でも湖でも田んぼの用水路でも、水があればざっぶーんって入って、すいすいってうまく泳げる。水の中のボールだって取ってくるよ。水の中に頭突っこんでボールとれるんだよ。だって僕は「レトリバー」なんだから、名前の通り、どこでもボール拾って戻ってくるんだ。
同じ水でも、シャワーは嫌いだぁ。足元だけぬらされたり、お腹のところシャブシャブされたり気持ち悪い。でも、ママがシャワーしてくれる時はまだいいかなぁ。スポンジにボディソープつけて「Koro is a clean boy, Clean, Clean, Clean」って歌いながら僕を泡だらけにしてシャワシャワすすいでくれる。パパはシャーって豪快に水かけるんだ。いつも、あぁ、早く終われぇって目つぶって我慢、我慢。ママみたいにスポンジ使ってくれる時もあるけど、ママみたいに歌ってくれない。