When I was a puppy, I often went on trips in the car. But they never went so well. Even in just 20 minutes, I would start drooling all over the place and my tummy started to feel weird, and then I would often throw up. But I was a puppy then. Now I am three years old and my body is fully grown. My Mom and Dad decided they wanted to take a road trip and wanted to take me with them. It was about 3 hours as we drove to a wonderful place called “Tottori”. Mom and Dad kept lowering the car windows so I could get fresh air and every hour or so, they pulled into a rest stop so I could jump out, drink some new water, and leave some old water behind, or in some cases, in front of some trees.
As we approached Tottori, I could smell the familiar grass from the fields but there was a stronger smell, something that I had never smelled before. I don’t think Mom was smelling the same things I was because she kept telling me to sleep, but I was too excited to sleep!
When we finally arrived, I found out what I was smelling: it was the sea! When I saw all that water, I thought back to the other rivers and lakes I had been in and new what I had to do: jump in the water! Mom and Dad didn’t think that was such a good idea because it was so cold. Well, it might be cold for humans, but I am a different animal. I am a Black Labrador! No water is too cold for me! So, I jumped in. The water felt great. But I had a big surprise: the water is salty!! And then a second surprise when the water kept chasing me! But I was not scared at all. I learned two things: drinking sea water makes me want to pee and it makes me thirsty. But on second thought, the sight of a clump of grass also makes me want to pee, so maybe I only learned one thing.
鳥取に着いたら、また初めてのにおいがした。それは「海」っていうものからだった。ママが「潮のかおり」がするって言ってた。僕の鼻は完全に海のにおい、潮のかおりをインプットした。「海」を見てると、前に行ったことがある川とか湖を思い出した。僕は水を見ると入りたくてたまらなくなる。ママとパパは寒いからダメって言ってたけど、寒い?人間には寒いかもしれないけど、ラブラドールレトリバーの僕は寒くなんかないよって、ママとパパの目を盗んでばしゃーんって入っていった。そしたらびっくりした。水が塩辛いんだ!!! それに水が僕を追いかけてくるのにもびっくりした!!! でも全然怖くなかった、楽しい楽しい!!! 僕は海が大好きになった。海の水を飲んだら後ですごく喉が渇くってことも学んだ。僕はまたひとつ新しいことを知った。